GOGJI BAGH SRINAGAR., Email: [email protected]
Advertisement Notice No: 01 of 2024 Dated: 15-03-2024
Online Applications are invited from the eligible desirous candidates for engagement as Guest lecturers in Kashmir Govt. Polytechnic College Srinagar for the session May-June 2024 purely on a temporary basis for a period of not more than one academic session. Applications should be submitted online by or before 20-03-2024 upto 04.00 p.m. on the Google form link given below. The Guest lecturer shall be paid remuneration @Rs 750 per lecture subject to the condition that monthly remu- neration shall not exceed Rs. 20000/- The candidates must upload all their qualification documents, updated C.V. and all relevant experience certificates on the given link. The candidates must come along with all their original documents, updated C.V. and relevant experience certificates on the date of Interaction, which shall be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through email only. All communication with regard to selection will be done through the institution’s website and details will be shared on the email id provided by the candidate. The institution shall not be held responsible for undelivered emails. There is no need for submission of hard copy of the application form. However, candidates facing any difficulty in submitting the form online may come to the office of the undersigned before the last date for support. Requirement details, Criteria for selection, and other relevant information are given below:
Google form Link:
Scan QR
Requirement Details:
Selection Criteria:
Information Technology Medical Lab Technology
80 Points be kept for basic eligibility qualification (Pro-rata basis).
05 Points for Higher qualification.
05 Points for GATE/NET/SET.
Required Qualification
B.E./B-Tech in Information Technology BSc in Medical Lab Technology
05 Points for Teaching Experience (Polytechnic Diploma level of Higher level)=Prorata basis (01 Point for each academic Year).
05 points for interaction with the concerned candidates.
The remuneration for the Guest Lecturers to be engaged shall be paid in accordance with the conditions as stipulated in Government Order No. 89-JK(DSD) of 2021 dated: 18-11-2021. Furthermore, the guest faculties so engaged shall be subject to the following conditions:
a. The engagement shall be purely on Guest Faculty norms and shall be only for one academic session.
b. Selected candidates shall submit an undertaking/Affidavit duly authenticated by the First-Class Magistrate before joining wherein clearly the conditions are stipu- lated that he/she shall not claim for continuation of his/her sen/íces and the agreement can be terminated at any point of time without any notice period. No:KGP/Estt/2024/325-27
DIPK No.: 17948-23
Principal Kashmir Govt. Polytechnic College Srinagar